Don’t forget your anniversary
I’ve been married to my wonderful wife for 24 years. That’s almost a quarter of a century! It’s easy to take my wedding anniversary for granted. I mean it’s just one more day in many years. With the constant demands of life, the stressors of the daily gloom and doom news, and the kids, it’s easy to either forget or just downplay your relationship anniversary. That said, forgetting your anniversary is a big mistake as you will see below. Please read on for how to remember your anniversary and make it special.
Why is forgetting your anniversary a mistake?
By forgetting your anniversary you show your significant other that they are not very high in the pecking order of priorities. With your lack of attention, you are saying to your partner that your relationship doesn’t matter. This can cause resentment that starts to creep into every area of your relationship. For example, it can affect your sex life, increase tensions with taking care of the kids, and eventually cause tensions in other areas of your life.
Downplaying your anniversary is also dangerous. While it is better than forgetting, who could be excited about a relationship when the anniversary is no big deal. Think about it. You planned for and waited for your wedding for years. That day was all about your love for each other. If you’re not married, do you remember the special day when you decided to be committed only to each other. Remember how that felt? And now, years later, it’s no big deal?! By treating it as no big deal you’re indicating that that special day just wasn’t so special.
How can you remember your anniversary?
There are a few ways to remember your anniversary and once remembered, to make it special.
- Put the date in your calendar. Set it to remind you every year.
- Plan for the day. Make dinner reservations, book a getaway, send the kids to grandma. Do whatever activity brings you closer together.
- Make your partner feel special. Give them extra attention and love. Time is the greatest gift of all.
- Talk about the event that caused the anniversary. Remember those special memories that made you love your partner.
In my book Grit for Couples I mention several other ways to make your anniversary special as well as how to keep your relationship sparkling and exciting every day of the year. Above all, make your relationship your #1 priority. After all, your partner depends on it.
I really like your message. Most husbands need to hear it. Thank you.
Thanks Trish. My wife really does 🙂